Glow-in-the-Dark Tornado

A power flash often occurs when a tornado strikes power lines.

Blog Tornado power flash gas tank strike power lines Glow in the Dark tornado


The arcing discharges flashing from the damaged electrical equipment often reveal a tornado is on the ground when heavy rain or darkness obscure the tornado.  These power flashes deliver a burst of a blue or white illuminating hues.  At farther distances dust might give the flash a more reddish glow. Other flashes occur when tornadoes strike natural gas containers. These explosions are usually reddish-orange like the photo above. This tornado was part of the rare November outbreak that tormented the Texas Panhandle on November 16, 2015.  Over 40 tornadoes were reported with zero fatalities as large powerful tornadoes skirted Pampa Texas and tracked long distances over open Prairie in the Canadian River basin.